Gay bar detroit michigan

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Soak in the buzzing atmosphere and historic architecture of Downtown, or party it up at the long list of craft breweries and funky bars, and you’ll quickly realize why Detroit deserves a spot on the bucket list.

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Wright Museum of African American History or DIA.

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So whether you plan on getting in touch with your inner historian at world-famous museums like The Henry Ford, Charles H. Motown, Motor City, or the largest city in Michigan - no matter what comes to mind when thinking of this Midwestern metropolis, one thing’s for sure: with so many diverse and engaging things to do in Detroit, there’s never a dull moment.įrom the roaring crowds at football, hockey and baseball games to the educational and one-of-a-kind museums, beautiful parks, and amazing year-round festivals, not to mention the Riverwalk that looks out onto neighboring Canada, Detroit is a city that never fails to make an impression. Where automotive legacy comes face to face with a rugged music reputation and a longstanding art culture, Detroit is waking from its post slumber and gentrifying once more.

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